May 9, 2021
An Unexpected Mother’s Day Gift
Series: Friends & Family
May 9, 2021
Reverend Kevin Ussery
Luke 7:11-17
Every funeral that Jesus attended, He broke it up. Jesus brought 3 people back to life in the New Testament. When we are down low, we encounter Jesus. Sometimes, you have to stop playing and get real with God. When we are up high, some think they are too good for God. You read the Bible, but you don’t know Jesus. It was not until your life was all the way down, that you found Jesus.
- May 9, 2021An Unexpected Mother’s Day Gift
May 9, 2021An Unexpected Mother’s Day GiftSeries: Friends & FamilyMay 9, 2021Reverend Kevin UsseryLuke 7:11-17Every funeral that Jesus attended, He broke it up. Jesus brought 3 people back to life in the New Testament. When we are down low, we encounter Jesus. Sometimes, you have to stop playing and get real with God. When we are up high, some think they are too good for God. You read the Bible, but you don’t know Jesus. It was not until your life was all the way down, that you found Jesus.
- May 2, 2021Jesus Takes Strangers and Makes Them Family
May 2, 2021Jesus Takes Strangers and Makes Them FamilySeries: Friends & FamilyMay 2, 2021Reverend Kevin UsseryPhilippians 1:1-11Remembering and memory is a wonderful thing. Somethings you wish you could forget, but thank God for memory. All you have to do is talk about Jesus, to help someone who doesn’t know Him. when you share Jesus with strangers, you can bring them into the family of God. There will be some people who get mad when you get saved.
- Apr 18, 2021Who You Gonna Choose?
Apr 18, 2021Who You Gonna Choose?Series: (All)April 18, 2021Reverend Kevin UsseryJoshua 24:14-25When you are going through some difficult times, and you just don’t know how you are going to make it, just go back and remember where the Lord has brought you from. Now you have a choice to make on who you are going to serve.
- Apr 11, 2021After the Resurrection
Apr 11, 2021After the ResurrectionSeries: ResurrectionApril 11, 2021Reverend Kevin UsseryActs 1:1-11
As Jesus hung between the Heavens and the earth, with one hand symbolically stretched towards God and the other hand symbolically stretched towards man, He declared, “I AM THE WAY!” He is our connecting link to God.
- Apr 4, 2021An Easter Message from a Heavenly Angel
Apr 4, 2021An Easter Message from a Heavenly AngelSeries: ResurrectionApril 4, 2021Reverend Kevin UsseryMark 16:1-8Sometimes in life, for the believer, there is a darkness or burden that you can’t put your finger on. You can’t name it. You can’t quite call it out for what it is. The stone was not rolled away to let Jesus out. It was rolled away to let witnesses in. Every resurrection needs a witness.
- Mar 28, 2021A Coming Attraction
Mar 28, 2021A Coming AttractionSeries: ResurrectionMarch 28, 2021Reverend Kevin UsseryJohn 12:20-32Jesus came and lived 33 years, but He was the fulfillment of a coming attraction.
- Mar 14, 2021It’s Not Waste, It’s Worship
Mar 14, 2021It’s Not Waste, It’s WorshipSeries: ResurrectionMarch 14, 2021Reverend Kevin UsseryMatthew 26:6-13God has been good to us. God has shown us grace and mercy, favor and forgiveness and no act of worship is too much for Him. No act of worship is too extravagant when it comes to giving God the praise.
- Mar 7, 2021In Remembrance of Me
Mar 7, 2021In Remembrance of MeSeries: ResurrectionMarch 7, 2021Reverend Kevin Ussery1 Corinthians 11:23-32Baptism by immersion symbolizes that we rise from death to our old life, to resurrection in a new life in Christ Jesus. It does not matter when you observe the Lord's Supper. No grace is being dispensed when you take it. There is no salvation in taking the Lord's Supper. There is no damnation if you don't take the Lord's Supper. Baptism does not save you either. They are both symbolic of what Jesus did.
- Feb 28, 2021The Lord Is Our Deliverer
Feb 28, 2021The Lord Is Our DelivererSeries: (All)February 28, 2021Reverend Kevin UsseryExodus 14:5-31God is a deliverer. Sometimes when God brings us out, instead of us praising Him,, we start complaining. God is more than just something to eat.
- Feb 21, 2021The Lord Is
Feb 21, 2021The Lord IsSeries: (All)Sunday February 21, 2021Reverend Kevin UsseryPsalms 23Between the time we get saved and the day we go home to heaven, between our birthday and our dying day, and between the womb and our tomb, the Great Shepherd of Psalms 23 is there with goodness and mercy to make our journey sweet. Psalms 23 is not about rest, heaven, or death. 116 words leads up to the first 3...The Lord Is. Before you can dwell in the house of the Lord forever, you have to know who The Lord Is.