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Jun 14, 2020
Hold Fast
Series: Prayer
June 14, 2020
Minister Daniel Locklear
Hebrews 4:11-16
There is so much going on in this world. It seems here lately we have been pulled this way and that way, being told the what, when, how, and even where to go. However, the word teaches us to hold fast to our confession, no matter how hard the trials get; no matter the heartache, for if we hold fast, we will someday enter into his rest.
- Jun 14, 2020Hold Fast
Jun 14, 2020Hold FastSeries: PrayerJune 14, 2020Minister Daniel LocklearHebrews 4:11-16There is so much going on in this world. It seems here lately we have been pulled this way and that way, being told the what, when, how, and even where to go. However, the word teaches us to hold fast to our confession, no matter how hard the trials get; no matter the heartache, for if we hold fast, we will someday enter into his rest.
- May 17, 2020How Deep Is Your Love?
May 17, 2020How Deep Is Your Love?Series: Faith & PerseverenceMay 17, 2020Minister Daniel LocklearActs 7:54-60Love suffers long and is kind. Love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, and thinks no evil. Love does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things. Love never fails.
- Apr 19, 2020He’s Just That Good
Apr 19, 2020He’s Just That GoodSeries: (All)April 19, 2020Minister Daniel Locklear2 Samuel 22:1-7David knew how to worship God. There were times in his life that he didn’t have anyone to depend on, BUT GOD. David knew that God was his rock, his shield, his fortress, and God, and God alone, that kept him in the midnight hours. God can keep you in the midnight hour too. The world is a mess right now, but God says, “I am the same yesterday, today, and forever. I change not. I am the Lord thy God.” The Bible says He has never seen the righteous forsaken, nor His seed begging for bread. If you are under the blood, you have protection. God is our deliverer, our shield, and He said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you. I will be with you even until the end.” He’s just that GOOD!
- Jan 12, 2020What’s Blocking You?
Jan 12, 2020What’s Blocking You?Series: (All)January 12, 2020Minister Daniel Locklear1 Samuel 3:1-21Some of us have some things going on in our lives and God is telling us that we need to take care of that situation before it goes any further. If you have some things blocking the voice of the Lord in your life, you better get rid of those things in your life. It's a dry place when you can no longer hear the voice of the Lord.
- Dec 29, 2019How’s Your Prayer Life?
Dec 29, 2019How’s Your Prayer Life?Series: AdventDecember 29, 2019Minister Daniel LocklearLuke 22:39-46Prayer is a powerful way to gain strength. Prayer alone is a powerful thing. You can't have a testimony without a test. If Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God, had to go to the Father and pray, then we need to pray to the Father too. We have to do God's will, even when people talk about us or push us to the side, we have to do the will of the Father and carry on.
- Nov 24, 2019It’s Shouting Time
Nov 24, 2019It’s Shouting TimeSeries: ThanksgivingNovember 24, 2019Minister Daniel LocklearJoshua 6:1-10Sometimes God don’t want you to always do things like you’ve been doing it. Sometimes we think change is a bad thing and that just because we are going to do it a different way it’s not the right way, but everything isn’t done by force.
- Oct 20, 2019Living in the Vine
Oct 20, 2019Living in the VineSeries: (All)October 20, 2019Minister Daniel LocklearJohn 15:1-8; Galatians 5:16-26In order for the church to grow spiritually, we must abide within Christ's teaching. We are going to have to live our lives totally and completely devoted to God and the Lord Savior our Jesus Christ. We are going to have to walk like new people that we are called to be, allowing the Spirit of God to grow inside out. And the more we allow him to put in, the more we will walk in the Spirit and not obey the lust of the flesh.
- Sep 1, 2019Not Forgotten
Sep 1, 2019Not ForgottenSeries: RevivalSeptember 1, 2019Minister Daniel LocklearLuke 23:36-43God said, "I haven't forgot you. I got you. I am with you. I will never leave you nor forsake you. Hold on to the nail scarred hand. Walk and talk with me a little bit. I haven't forgotten about you."
- Aug 11, 2019Blessed
Aug 11, 2019BlessedSeries: HopeAugust 11, 2019Minister Daniel LocklearThere are all kinds of things going on in the world, but the Bible says, "so let your light shine. The Bible says we are the salt of the earth; the light of the world. All of these things are the result of sin and they will continue to happen until the Son of God returns. So we are to be a light in the world to show others Jesus.
- Jul 28, 2019Who is Willing to Take A Stand?
Jul 28, 2019Who is Willing to Take A Stand?Series: Freedom/IndependenceJuly 28, 2019Minister Daniel LocklearWe need to start sharing each other's burdens. We need to help each other with the fight, instead of talking about each other. Stop letting your problems determine the outcome of your life. Stop letting fear, anxiety, depression, drugs, alcohol, lust, and all of these things of the world determine who you are.