Mission Statement:

To enlist, coordinate, and empower the men of the local congregation for an effective performance of essential brotherly Christian activities. To cultivate the Christian life of laymen through study, worship, fellowship and service. To enlist un-churched men for fellowship in and service through the church and to bring unsaved men into vital relationship with God in Christ through personal commitment to Him. To inspire men to support the total pro gram of the Church in the local congregation, the community, the denomination and the world.

Objectives: The objectives of the Laymen’s Auxiliary are suggested by its purposes. They are long and short ranged objectives and should be prioritized and carried out in conformance with each particular church’s needs. Each objective is progressive and as each church plans activities and programs designed to meet each objective, they will find that the fulfillment of the task of service to God will be a lifelong task. The objectives are as follows:     
  1.    To provide an organization through which a vital and meaningful fellowship among men of the               local congregation may be prompted.
  2.   To provide an organized medium through which men of the local congregation may serve                       its purpose most efficiently and become a more vital part of its life.                                              
  3.   To enlist all the men in active Christian service to the Church through the local congregation.
  4.   To promote among men a more definite and intelligent understanding of the Christian faith and            life and the meaning of the Church.
  5.   To keep men aware of their duty and obligations as members of the Church through the local               congregation.
  6.   To foster in men an intelligent loyalty and devotion to the Church through the local congregation. 
  7.   To cooperate with the pastor, officers and other organizations in developing and stimulating the           work of the Church in the local congregation.
  8.   To promote Church attendance and the study of Christian literature.
  9.   To inspire men to support the financial program of the Church, both locally and denominationally. 
  10.  To promote boys work in the local congregation. 
  11.   To reach unsaved men with the Gospel and to win them to God in Christ through a personal                 commitment to Him.
  12.  To persuade un-churched men to renew their fellowship to the church through the local                         congregation and to strengthen their faith in its message and program.
  13.  To foster in Baptist men a vital and active concern in community welfare and betterment and to           promote Christian race relations.
  14.  To inspire men to enter the fields of business, politics and the Foreign Service as a Christian                 vocation.
  15.  To promote the establishment of Christian homes and to guide the family toward fuller Christian           development and cooperation.
  16.  To guide men in intelligent, effective Christian social action.

Meetings are held every 2nd Saturday of the month from 10:00 a.m.- 11:30 a.m. in the Church Sanctuary.

Deacon Jesse Brown
(828) 310-6497
Brother Smith Gregory
Vice President, Secretary
(828) 303-7281